Front Desk Attendant -Part-Time

Location:  High Park, Drumcondra, Dublin 9Reporting to: Homeless Service ManagerTerms: Fixed Term – Part-Time Contract (20 hours flexible Monday to Sunday)Hourly Rate: €14.65Job Purpose:To work as part of a team, supporting families in Supported Temporary AccommodationCore duties and responsibilities:Knowledge and understanding of the issues affecting people who are experiencing homelessness.Excellent communication skills, relevant to working with clients with addiction/learning disabilities / mental health issues / challenging behaviour, etc.The ability to demonstrate that you are committed to the ethos of Respond.The ability to work as part of a team in a challenging environment.The ability to deliver good quality services fosters and enhances the dignity, development and independence of the service.To build sustainable relationships with the residents and create a welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere.To maintain general Health and Safety procedures within the building.Light janitorial duties.Working flexible hours including shifts and weekends.The list of duties is not exhaustive and duties may vary from time to time.Person specification:A good standard of education is essential for this position (eg. FETAC).A qualification in Social Care would be a distinct advantageAn understanding of the nature of homelessness and the needs of homeless familiesWorking knowledge and understanding of Child ProtectionThe ability to treat the client group in a non-judgmental and respectful wayThe ability to work within clear professional boundariesGood written and oral communication skillsStrong interpersonal and teamwork skillsBe highly motivated, reliable & flexibleGarda vetting will be conducted on an ongoing basis  Applications need to be submitted by close of business on Friday, 24th June 2022.

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