FP&A Analyst

Mater Private Network is looking for a FP&A Analyst wo will engage in and support a wide range of functions including the development of financial models and budgets; preparation of current financial reports and summaries, creating forecasts and predicting future growth.An integral member of the Mater Private Network finance team, the FP&A Analyst plays a central role in supporting the annual operating budget and multi-year business plans (Long Term Plan), as well as preparing and reporting on the monthly cost reporting packs. Duties & ResponsibilitiesGeneral Meaningful and insightful variance analysis and commentary.Support multi-year budgets (Long Term Plan) that advances our priorities and has intended impact. Support development of alternative scenarios and options to support the Executive Team in planning for growth and profitability. Seek every opportunity to reinforce the culture of Margin optimisation across the organisation. Support development and maintenance of robust and agile budgeting and forecasting systems, tailored to meet the varied needs of the business. Offer advice and guidance to business managers in the development of business plans to achieve specific objectives consistent with the Mater Private Network’s strategic objectives. Support timely and accurate development of budgets, financial reports, and models that will assist the Head of FP&A, Finance Director, CFO and other Stakeholders in making informed decisions.Support preparation of both industry and peer group benchmark comparisons.Financial ManagementProvide financial analysis and decision-making support for the Head of FP&A, Finance Director, the Executive Team and project leads, the Mater Private Network Board of Directors and the Finance Committees. Put complex data, current, past and predicted in perspective & help the various stakeholders to make sound financial decisions. Monitoring of financial and non-financial KPI for the performance of the company. Business Partnering with the Centre Heads, addressing Senior Management requests and supporting Departments heads with in-depth analysis and business case preparations. Deep-dive analysis on topics where performance initiatives / opportunities have been identified.Provision of timely and accurate information on financial performance to support executive and operational decision making. Monitor, analyse and report on individual unit KPIs including costs, profitability, and investment returns.Analyse business performance at market segment and individual customer level where appropriate. Ensure compliance with financial policies, procedures, guidelines and protocols.  Skills & Qualifications ExperienceMinimum 3 years of successful experience as FP&A analyst/Finance Business Partnering or similar in businesses of sufficient scale and complexity. Advanced financial modelling and excel skills essential. Ability to influence others and work across organisation to deliver financial budgets and reporting with appropriate market insights and commercial analytics.Ability to distil lots of facts and insights into a story and an effective creator of financial presentations. Successful experience in driving performance improvement initiativesEducation Degree in Accounting, or Finance required. Qualified Accountant with recognised accounting body (ACA, ACCA, CIMA

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