Stores Person

We are currently recruiting for a Stores Person to join the team in our Dromalour retail outlet in Kanturk.Key Responsibilities: ·        Acting as the first point of contact for all customers within both the counter and yard.  ·        Demonstrating positive customer-facing behaviours, demeanour and attitude with an emphasis on creating sales.·        Understanding and carrying out the GRN process for goods inwards.·        Using lean principles such as 5S to ensure all stock is stacked and located in the correct locations within both the warehouses and the yard. ·        Reporting any under/oversupply of stock to management.·        Ensuring the recording of all damaged goods so North Cork Creameries can receive rebates where appropriate.·        Participation in weekly team meetings outlining issues pertaining to the yard and stores.  ·        Participation and adherence to stock control counts and working knowledge of same is required, as well as liaising on all aspects of stock control across the site.·        Maintaining knowledge of goods deliveries to farm in conjunction with shop/store to include the preparation of dockets and picklists.·        Advising customers on various product options available within our store and yard.·        Referring customer complaints to the appropriate person.·        Following store lockup procedures as and when required to include the safe keeping of store keys and alarm codes.·        Ensuring store and yard areas are kept clean and tidy at all times to prevent any slips, trips and falls.·        Adherence to all health and safety legislation as and when required e.g manual handling, wearing of PPE and responsible and safe driving of forklift at all times.·        Continuous upgrading of skills required to carry out the job effectively e.g CORE software which is used for point of sale and e-procurement.·        Any other ad hoc duties as requested by management.Key Requirements:·        Knowledge of agriculture products is essential·        An ability to demonstrate excellent customer service and ensure the customer experience is positive at all times·        Excellent personal presentation and appearance - wearing of North Cork Creameries branded clothing and PPE·        IT skills are highly desired as the role involves a lot of computer work·        Be self-motivated, methodical and possess good organisational skills·        Excellent telephone manner·        Excellent communication and interpersonal skills both verbal and non-verbal North Cork Creameries is an equal opportunities employer.

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