Forklift Driver Nights - Portarlington

Founded in Ireland in 2002, Fastway are Ireland’s leading independent delivery network, handling over 24 million parcels annually, as the delivery partner to over 7,000 Domestic and International clients. Offering a diverse portfolio of flexible delivery, returns, including label-less returns, click & collect, e-commerce, and logistic business solutions, nationwide, and internationally. Due to continued growth, Fastway is seeking full-time, positive individuals to join our dedicated operations team, in Portarlington. The successful Forklift Driver will be joining an experienced, skilled, and dedicated team who strive to provide excellent service to our clients, and parcel receivers alike. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for helping others, strong communication skills, and the ability to work well under pressure. If you are interested in a rewarding career in our operations, with ample opportunity for growth, and want to be a part of a dynamic and supportive team, then we encourage you to apply today.  Key ResponsibilitiesTo work within Fastway Quality Management System, ensuring all vehicles are offloaded/loaded in a safe and timely mannerTo be flexible within the warehouse operations, loading unloading and sorting to ensure all orders are delivered on time, in good condition and to the correct locationAdherence to procedures both the Customers and Company’s standards within the Code of Safe Working Practices, considering the individual’s responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act and other relevant legislation.Reviewing all cages, pallets, plastic boxes to ensure they are being loaded onto the correct vehicleReport back any anomalies to management team on shift .Comply fully with the defined operating procedures (SOP’s) and processes.Banks man for driver to ensure safe movement of vehicle.Report any accidents / incidents to management on shiftProficiency using scannersCompany KPI’s - all targets to be met.Any other reasonable management requestsFLT checks, documents to be completed on a daily basis  Qualifications, Knowledge, Skills & ExperienceOver 12 months experience as a Forklift Driver (as temp or FTE)Shunter experience desired but not essentialPhysical strength and ability to lift heavy packagesManual Handling trainingExceptional interpersonal skillsValid Forklift licenceA good level of English Shift Available:7pm-3amSunday-ThursdayBenefits:On-site parkingWellness programBike to work SchemePositive Career ProgressionEmployee Assistance Program Licence/Certification:Counterbalance & Reach Forklift Certificate (required) #FAST1

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