Food Preparation Team Member

Job descriptionJames Whelan Butchers is a fifth-generation family run butcher business, headquartered in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary with shops throughout Munster and Leinster. We are very proud of the quality of the product we provide and the manner in which we serve our customers. We’re currently recruiting for talented Food Production Team Members to join our teams. Responsibilities:● Produce exceptional products using amazing ingredients following our bespoke recipes● Delivery of excellent customer service● Create an enticing and welcoming environment that leads to an exemplary customer experience● Support the efficient ordering, receipt, and management of produce so shop is appropriately stocked● Keep all areas of Fresh Produce clean, tidy, and ordered● Adhere to HAACP regulations● Ensure the appearance of the shop is always abundant Benefits:●Employee discount scheme●Employee Assistance Program● Pension with generous employer contribution after a qualifying period● Free Uniforms Provided● Long Term Development Experience Desired:● 1 years’ experience working in Food Production, Hospitality, or Kitchen Environment.Salary:● €32,000 - €35,000 per year● Full Time and Part Time Hours Available

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