Supply Chain & Business Operation Graduate Programme

North Cork Creameries are excited to announce that we are recruiting for our Supply Chain & Business Operation Graduate Programme, which is due to commence in August 2024. This is a two-year programme that offers graduates an opportunity to support an indigenous dairy production company and be part of a dynamic team, contributing to our companies’ successes.We are currently recruiting for a Supply Chain Graduate to join the team at our processing site in Strand Street, Kanturk. Key responsibilities·        Overseeing the stock management and purchasing of raw materials and packaging·        Generating Purchase Orders and Goods Received Notes·        Scheduling deliveries and managing orders at point of delivery·        Acting as a point of contact for customers, hauliers and warehouses on queries, schedule changes, documentation requests, warehouse capacity etc.·        Completing and filing Dispatch Dockets·        Identifying supply issues and reporting accordingly·        Ensuring the maintenance of supply chain and purchasing software·        Arranging outbound transport for the delivery of finished products·        Carrying out stock adjustments, movements and transfers, dealing with hauliers and load scheduling·        Conducting stock counts in internal warehouses·        Completing and filing export documentationOur goal is to provide graduates with leadership development and real responsibility, so they have the knowledge, skills and aptitudes to accelerate into leadership roles following completion of the graduate programme.Throughout this programme you will complete 6-month rotations giving you exposure to:Supply chain managementCustomer and regulatory auditsKey Account ManagementQuality control and assuranceInternal auditingManufacturing operationsHealth and Safety complianceContinuous improvement projects and activitiesStock managementLaboratory testing, As part of our graduate programme, you will also undertake formal training courses including a Diploma in Professional Competence and Greenbelt certification. North Cork Creameries is an equal opportunities employer.

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