Food & Beverage Team

A fantastic opportunity to join the team at Mount Wolseley Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort in the Food & Beverage Team.Mount Wolseley Hotel in Carlow. is beautifully situated in the tranquil countryside of County Carlow, just one hour from Dublin City, the Mount Wolseley Luxury 4 * Golf & Spa Resort Hotel is an exquisite location for both business and pleasure.Standing on its own 18-Hole Championship Golf Course and featuring a Sanctuary Spa, Leisure Club Facilities including 20m Indoor Pool, The Mount Wolseley Hotel near Dublin offers luxury hotel accommodation in Carlow which matches an elegant, chic interior with ultra-modern amenities and impeccable service.Duties IncludeServe guests in a prompt & courteous mannerTo ensure work areas is set up and stocked according to the business requirementsTo be fully aware of any menu updatesTo work a flexible shift pattern and rotate through the various areas of the Food and Beverage Department if required.To ensure all cleaning schedules are adhered to on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.To provide support in other areas of the business if required to do so.Ensure all stock is stored in a safe manner.Skills/Experience to include but are not limited to:Ability to provide warm, friendly and efficient serviceMust be passionate about operations and working on the floorMust be standards driven and detail-orientatedExcellent communication skillsMaintain exceptional levels of customer service and evaluate customer service levels with a focus on continuous improvementAttention to detailBe able to work under pressure whilst also delivering excellent serviceConfident working on your own initiative and also part of a successful teamEmployee Benefits:Meals on dutyOpportunities for development and career progressionEmployee Assistance ProgramEmployee Recognition AwardsTeam Member Accommodation & F&B discounts in Windward Management propertiesComplimentary parking

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