Food & Beverage Supervisor

As a Food & Beverage Supervisor at Cliff House Hotel, you will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating the daily operations of our food and beverage outlets. This role requires exceptional leadership skills, a keen eye for detail, and a passion for delivering 5 star quality services. You will work closely with the management team to ensure that guests receive a memorable dining experience while maintaining the highest standards of efficiency and professionalism.Main ResponsibilitiesTo ensure that the day to day running of The Bar Restaurant operates in an efficient and professional manner with a high level of guest satisfaction.Assist the Bar Supervisors to manage the bar floor operations to maximize customer satisfaction and revenue.Build effective relationships with all guests and handle their feedback in a positive and professional manner.Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, to provide clear direction to the staff.Supervise servers / bartenders and provide training and coaching to uplift their service skills and product knowledge.Observe performance and encourage improvement where necessaryEnsure staffing levels are accurate based on hotel and bar restaurant business levelRemain calm and alert, especially during emergency situation and/or busy periods, serving as a role model for the staff and other hotel employees.Use computer to accurately charge customers, create forecast and revenue reports, update the rosters, check the daily attendance and write correspondence.Maintain the highest standard of restaurant / bar hygiene and safety requirements.

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