Food & Beverage Assistants - Le Grand Pey Restaurant

O’Donoghue Ring Collection is home to Hotels, Apartments, Spa, Restaurants & Bars centrally located in the vibrant town centre of Killarney and CastleIsland, Co. Kerry. Our company philosophy is built upon three core values: employee experience, customer experience, and standards of excellence. Awarded a ‘Great Place to Work’ in December and Green Hospitality Certified.We are seeking a number of Food & Beverage Assistants to join the the team at the Le Grand Pey Restaurant located at the Killarney Plaza Hotel & Spa. The ideal candidate must be available to work a variety of morning and evening shifts during the week and on weekends. We have full time and part time positions available.What you'll do:Welcoming guests to the restaurant, taking food & drink orders and liaising with the kitchen.Clearing and resetting tables.Offering the highest level of service to the guest.Ensuring that all hygiene regulations are adhered to at all times.Working as part of the team, and being flexible at all timesAbout you:Previous experience is beneficial.Ideally, you will have a professional and friendly approach to customer service.You will have the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.Work as part of a team with the ability to multitask.Advanced English language skills and permission to work in Ireland are essential.Why O’Donoghue Ring Collection?When you join the O’Donoghue Ring Collection, you join a community of smart, caring, talented individuals working together to deliver first-in-class results. Here are some ways we support and invest in our team:Awarded a Great Place to Work 2023 - 2024Competitive salariesDiscounts on Hotel Stays, and special staff rates in any of our hotels across the collection, on top of special Family and Friend rates for accommodation.Discounts on Dining, discounts for all food outlets in 4 hotels for you and a companion, as well as the individual restaurants and bars that are part of the collection.Meals on Duty, meals are prepared for you during your work hours and are provided for in our newly refurbed canteens.Free Coffee on Duty, provided for in our newly refurbed canteens.Discounts for Take-Away, further discounts for takeaway teas, and coffees for staff members.Employee Fitness, free access to leisure centres, and Family discounts to membership in our range of Leisure Centres.Employee Wellness, ODR Collection Staff Wellness programme is available to all staff as well as discounts on all luxury spa products and spa treatments in our award-winning Spa.Learning & Development, access to a variety of learning tools through our online training software. We offer a range of internships annually in a variety of different departments to nourish development, as well as cross-training in different departments.Team Events, social Calendar of team events such as employee appreciation week, beach cleaning, and much more.If you want to make an impact, O’Donoghue Ring Collection is the place for you. Not sure if you meet all the qualifications? If this role excites you, we encourage you to apply. Explore all opportunities on our careers page.O’Donoghue Ring Collection is an Equal Opportunity Employer, but that’s just the start. We believe different perspectives help us grow and achieve more. That’s why we’re dedicated to hiring and developing the most talented and diverse team – which includes individuals with different backgrounds, abilities, identities and experiences.  

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