Food & Beverage Assistants

Talbot Hotel Clonmel, part of the Talbot Collection, are currently recruiting for experienced Food & Beverage Assistants to join our team in the Bar, Bistro, Restaurant & Banqueting. The successful candidate will be a team player, be flexible and will be motivated by delivering exceptional customer service. The main duties are:To provide exceptional friendly service to all our guests in our food and beverage outlets;To ensure an efficient service delivery throughout our guests dining experience, enhancing their experience where possible;To ensure that 4* standards are maintained at all times in terms of service delivery and cleanliness;To strictly adhere to all COVID-19 procedures in our dining areas and back-of-house, prioritising your health and safety and the health and safety of our guests and all our team;To be familiar and confident in communicating our menus, both food and beverage;To be responsible for the efficient dispensing and serving of drinks and food in a timely manner;To maintain a positive relationship with the kitchen team, management and all your colleagues;To at all times present yourself in line with the company's 4* standards particularly in terms of uniform, personal hygiene and grooming; The successful candidate will have:Hotel experience would be a distinct advantage;Will be available to work midweek.A passion for customer service;Be flexible and available to work varying shifts; What do we offer?Complimentary leisure club membershipStaff mealsDiscounted accommodation ratesLife InsuranceEmployee Health and Well-being Support ProgrammeFree Parking *** Talbot Hotel Clonmel is an equal opportunities employer ***

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