Food & Beverage Assistant Restaurant

The 4* Maritime Hotel in Bantry certified as a Great Place to Work is currently seeking Full Time and Part Time Food & Beverage Assistants for our Restaurant team. Company Benefits: -      Employee wellbeing events·       Year-round employment·       Online training prior to starting·       HR support throughout onboarding process·       Free onsite car parking·       Free meals, tea & coffee on duty·       Uniform provided·       Equal opportunity for training and career development with the Gleneagle Group·       Paid internal and external training days·       Discounted use of gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room·       Special rates for family and friends in our hotels and self-catering properties·       Discounted dining rates for family for special occasions·      Access to trained mental health first aiders·       Employee social events calendar    Responsibilities and DutiesServe beverages including cocktails and food to our guests.Ensure that consistent standards of service are maintained at all timesBeing aware of the beautiful locality in which we live and work, and telling our guests about your favourite partsUse your knowledge to take accurate orders and work with the kitchen team to serve bar food in a timely mannerParticipate as part of the team and take pride in your work environment, ensuring that the bar is kept well stocked and to a very high standard of cleanliness Qualifications and SkillsAn outgoing personality and a great communicator who loves interacting with our guests and offering them the welcome that we are renowned forA team player who takes pleasure in achieving goals as part of our wider teamPrevious experience in a food service environment is an advantage but experience in a customer facing role is essential

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