Food & Beverage Assistant Park Restaurant

The Rose Hotel is a 4 star hotel located in Tralee, Co KerryThe hotel has a number of food and beverage outletsWe are currently recruiting for F& B Staff to work mainly in the main hotel restaurant. This is a full time role, we are looking for a minimum of 1 year commitment, working 5 days a week.Main duties:. To ensure that customer service provide is of excellent standard       To ensure Restaurant and Banqueting areas are set up to the agreed standard·       To ensure that the Restaurant and Banqueting areas are kept clean, tidy and free from hazards at all times·       To ensure that all Restaurant and Banqueting equipment is kept clean and tidy and stored appropriately·       To ensure that linen is used, stored and removed from the F&B areas as per agreed standard·       To ensure that adequate mis en place is completed for each shift·       To provide full service of food and drinks to all guests in the Restaurant and Banqueting areas·       To ensure that guest bills are correct and to ensure that all items served are included on the guest bill·       To ensure that the pantries are kept clean and free from trays / glasses / crockery·       To ensure that the stillroom is kept clean and tidy at all times·       To ensure that the glass wash area is kept clean and tidy at all times·       To ensure that all fridges and food storage areas are kept clean and tidy and within HACCP regulations·       To ensure that cleaning records are completed on a daily basis·       To ensure that all buffets are fully stocked at all times. Need to be flexible in the role as may be asked to assist in the bar as wellIdeal candidate:Previous experience in a similar role either in a hotel restaurant or restaurant is essentialMust be able to work weekends and public holidaysVariety of shifts on a weekly basisMust have excellent level of EnglishMust have excellent communication skillsMust have a passionate attitude and enjoy working in this industryMust be flexible in the roleBenefits of working in The Rose HotelAll year round employmentWill be provided with uniformWill be provided with training on the jobLegislative training also providedMeal on dutyCar parkingBike to work schemePLEASE NOTE THAT WE CANNOT APPLY FOR A WORK PERMIT FOR THIS ROLE.

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