Food & Beverage Assistant

Carr Golf, headquartered in Park West Business Park, Dublin 12 is certified A Great Place to Work and roles with us are exciting, challenging and customer-focused.We are recruiting for a Full-Time Food and Beverage Assistant for Castleknock Golf Club, Porterstown Rd, Diswellstown, Dublin 15.Key Duties and ResponsibilitiesWorking to ensure the smooth operation of functions and eventsTo ensure an efficient and friendly service to all guests.To carry out all standards and procedures according to standards.To ensure customer satisfaction at all times.To work in an efficient clean and tidy manner at all times.To follow all health and safety procedures at all times, and ensure that rules and regulations are adhered to.You will be required to perform cellar duties each week.Requirements:Experience in an F&B role is desirable but not necessary once you have a 'Yes I Can Attitude'.High standards and attention to detail.A focus on our customers, making sure that they are catered for.Ability to multi-task and meet deadlines.Must have a passion for food and want to impress. Must be adaptable to work in a fast-paced environment.Must have a good command of the English Language.Fully HACCP Trained would be an advantageA 'Yes I Can Attitude'BenefitsMeals on dutyParking on siteRounds of golf for family & friends

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