Food and Beverage Supervisor

Job Title: Food and Beverage SupervisorCompany: Missenden AbbeyLocation: Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, United KingdomJob Summary:Missenden Abbey is seeking a dynamic and experienced Food and Beverage Supervisor to join our team. The Food and Beverage Supervisor will oversee the daily operations of the food and beverage department, ensuring high-quality service standards, guest satisfaction, and profitability. The ideal candidate will have a passion for hospitality, exceptional leadership skills, and a keen eye for detail.Key Responsibilities:1. Supervise and coordinate the activities of the food and beverage team, including servers, bartenders, and support staff.2. Provide training, guidance, and motivation to staff members to ensure exceptional service delivery and guest satisfaction.3. Maintain a strong knowledge of menu items, ingredients, and preparation methods to effectively assist guests and train staff.4. Monitor and manage inventory levels, ordering supplies as needed to maintain adequate stock levels while minimizing waste.5. Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, food hygiene standards, and licensing laws.6. Handle guest inquiries, concerns, and complaints in a professional and timely manner, striving to resolve issues to the satisfaction of all parties involved.7. Conduct regular inspections of dining areas, bar facilities, and service stations to ensure cleanliness, organization, and adherence to established standards.8. Collaborate with the kitchen team to coordinate food service timings and ensure the timely delivery of meals to guests.9. Assist in the planning and execution of special events, functions, and banquets, ensuring smooth operations and exceptional service.10. Monitor financial performance, including revenue and cost control measures, to maximize profitability while maintaining high service standards.11. Implement and uphold company policies, procedures, and standards of service, providing guidance and support to team members as needed.12. Foster a positive working environment by promoting teamwork, communication, and a strong work ethic among staff members.13. Stay updated on industry trends, customer preferences, and competitor activities to identify opportunities for improvement and innovation.14. Perform other duties as assigned by management.Qualifications and Skills:- Previous experience in a supervisory or management role within the food and beverage industry, preferably in a hotel, restaurant, or hospitality setting.- Strong leadership abilities with a proven track record of motivating and managing a diverse team.- Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with the ability to interact effectively with guests, colleagues, and management.- Sound knowledge of food and beverage operations, including menu planning, ordering, inventory management, and cost control.- Ability to work well under pressure in a fast-paced environment, while maintaining a professional demeanour and providing exemplary customer service.- Flexibility to work evenings, weekends, and holidays as required.- A passion for hospitality and a commitment to delivering memorable guest experiences.- Relevant certifications or qualifications in hospitality management, food safety, or related fields are desirable.Join us at Missenden Abbey and be part of a dynamic team dedicated to providing exceptional service and creating unforgettable experiences for our guests. Apply now to embark on an exciting career in hospitality!

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