Food and Beverage Assistants

Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, part of Talbot Collection, is currently recruiting for Food and Beverage Assistants to join the team.Overall Job PurposeTo provide a friendly and efficient service within the food and beverage areas. To deliver exceptional friendly service at all times, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service program. To be respectful, polite, friendly, and unfailingly helpful in all your dealings with guests and colleagues alike, recognising that you are an ‘ambassador’ of the Talbot Collection at all times.             Role Specific Duties: Responsible for the efficient dispensing and serving of drinks and food when requiredTo be aware of menu items of the day and drink servicesTo serve alcohol responsiblyTo ensure that necessary steps are taken to safeguard Company money, goods and assetsTo deal with customer complaints in an efficient and professional manner and to notify Management of theseTo upsell the Company products and services where possibleTo ensure that the waiting areas are fully prepared for serviceTo ensure that all food and drinks are served efficiently with minimum delay·  The successful candidate will have:Friendly and professional work attitude;Fluent English essential - written and spoken;Must be available to work variable shifts;Excellent interpersonal and organisational skills;Previous hotel experience in a 3/4 star hotel property is desired but not essential.Previous experience in a high volume/ fast paced environment.What do we offer?Complimentary TalbotFit membershipStaff meals on duty15% discount in Pettitt's SuperValuGroup family and friends’ rates on AccommodationEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeContributory Pension Scheme whereby the company matches contributions up to 3% (minimum service requirement)Life InsuranceFree parkingTalbot Hotel Stillorgan is an Equal Opportunities Employer. 

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