Food and Beverage Assistant with Bar experience

The Talbot Hotel Carlow, part of Talbot Collection, are currently recruiting for part-time Food and Beverage Assistant with Bar experience. Overall Job Purpose: To provide a friendly and efficient service within the bar, dispensing orders accurately and with courtesy to the standards required by the company.Main Duties: To arrive for work on time and in proper uniform;To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene and grooming;To ensure that the bar area is kept clean at all times;To ensure the accuracy of all floats by checking them and reporting irregularities;Responsible for the efficient dispensing and serving of drinks and food when required;To be aware of menu items of the day and drink services;To serve alcohol responsibly;To ensure a welcoming atmosphere is maintained in the bar at all times;To always deliver exceptional friendly service, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service programTo ensure that necessary steps are taken to safeguard Company money, goods and assets;To be familiar with licensing laws and excise requirements;To ensure all drinks are issued using appropriate measures, procedures, and correct glassware;Responsible for the stocking of shelves to appropriate levels, observing proper stock rotation, and the stocking of glassware;To assist in the clearing of bottles, glasses, tables and washing same.The successful candidate will have:Friendly and professional work attitude;Fluent English essential - written and spoken;Must be available to work variable shifts;Excellent interpersonal and organisational skills;Previous experience not required as full training is provided. The role involves weekend work, so flexibility is required. What do we offer?Complimentary Leisure Club MembershipDiscounted Accommodation RatesLife InsuranceEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemePension SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeMeals on DutyFree parking ***Talbot Hotel Carlow is an equal opportunities employer***

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