Fodder Shop Assistant

Fodder is an award-winning farm shop and café established over twelve years ago. Fodder has a loyal customer base and is well known for quality produce and customer service The only farm shop and café in the UK where all profits go towards funding the work of a registered charity; the Yorkshire Agricultural Society.Passionate about Yorkshire, its farmers and local producers; Fodder, supports and sells only the very best. Our shelves are stocked with food and drink from over 430 farmers and producers, with 85% of what is sold and served coming from Yorkshire. Hours of work16 to 24 hours per week over two to three days, Monday to Sunday from 8am to 5pm.This is a permanent role.Job PurposeTo have a positive attitude and the tenacity to get the job done – from taking deliveries, to merchandising the shelves, helping customers to using the till and a commitment to work hard and have fun. This role is shop based and will lead to supporting the deli too.Salaries and benefitsSalary above the national minimum wage3% employee and 6% employer contribution to pension scheme34 days holiday (FT staff)Subsidised private healthcare scheme,Life assurance of x4 annual salary after 12 weeks serviceStaff discountShare of tipsUniform providedFree car parkingNo evening workFor a full description please click this link:

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