Fitout Operative

The Role is to complete tasks as set out by the Supervisors of the Manufacturing Facility to a high and safe standard. Assembly Operative Responsibilities include:Read basic Engineering Drawings.Use Power Tools…Drills, Saws, Abrasive Tools, etc.Measure and mark out materials.Cut materials to size as outlined on drawings.General fit-out of modular structures.Rotating 8 Hr. shift pattern. Candidate Skills:DIY background.Previous GO to a Construction Trade may be an advantage.Problem Solving skills.Good hand-to-eye coordination.Ability to work on own initiative or part of a team.Company Benefits:Shift allowance (where applicable when working shifts)Free ParkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeEmployee Referral ProgrammeCareer development opportunitiesIf you have these skills, we would be delighted to receive your CV.For more information about Suretank and career opportunities available view on our careers page see our webpage  or contact HR on (041) 686-2022.

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