Fitness Team Leader

Location: Your Space PontefractHours of Work:  Average 38.875 hours per week - Week 1: Monday 14:00 – 22:00, Tuesday 13:00 – 22:00, Thursday 05:45 – 14:00, Friday 05:45 – 14:00, Saturday 07:45 – 18:00 (43.75 hours) Week 2: Monday 14:00 – 22:00, Tuesday 13:00 – 22:00, Thursday 05:45 – 14:00, Friday 05:45 – 14:30 (34 hours)N.B. This position is temporary for up to 12 months to cover maternity leaveRate of Pay:  The rate of pay for this position is £25,480 per annum (£12.57 per hour).As a Team Leader you’ll lead, inspire, and develop the teams working with you in our leisure and Your Space centres. You will manage the day-to-day operations within the site or area of responsibility across leisure, fitness and front of house ensuring our customers and staff feel good & have a great experience. We’re looking for a fun and friendly leading personality who knows just how to take initiative to motivate themselves and others. You’ll be a great fit to our team if you have a love for working with other people contributing to our mission; It’s all about helping people to feel good. In this role you will build great relationships with our customers and organisations within our local communities who use the facility. At BPL we encourage innovation, this role requires someone who feels comfortable communicating their ideas and suggestions to improve our business. You’ll need knowledge of the fitness industry & the ability to co-ordinate the day-to-day operations within the facility confidently.Whether you are looking for a job or a career change, why not come join our family and make some great new friends.In return, we will give you a competitive salary and a work place pension, but we also offer additional benefits to all our staff which include:·        Free Fitness & Swimming Membership·        Generous annual leave entitlement·        Discounted food & drink·        Flexible working·        Wellbeing support·        Training & development opportunities·        Free car parking at all sitesWe’ll encourage you to make this role your own and we are excited to see what you can do. Here’s a guiding hand on how your role lives our values & helps us to achieve our mission.We are Local. ·        Work together as one team – be supportive and always willing to help.·        Build trust - say what you mean and do what you promise.·        Respect for all - treat others as you would like to be treated, valuing individual differences.We are Fun & Friendly.·        Help others feel good – always be ready with a smile and a ‘hello’.·        Appreciate your colleagues – take every chance to say, ‘thank you’.·        Always listen – be open and willing to hear the views and opinions of others.We are Innovative. ·        Get involved – share knowledge and put forward ideas to make things better.·        Own it – find solutions and make things happen.·        Keep learning – grab the chance to do new things and develop your skills.·        Welcome change – be flexible with a ‘can do’ attitude and get things done.This profile indicates how this role contributes to our family and helps us to achieve our mission of ‘Helping people feel good’. Your duties could be subject to change as we innovate and adapt to new challenges in order to grow our business.As a Team Leader of BPL, in addition to living our values you will demonstrate our leadership behaviours; Leading, inspiring and develop our people.Lead people.·        Lead for all - treat people in a fair and consistent way, valuing individual differences.·        Lead with openness - set clear expectations and keep the team up to date and informed.·        Lead with courage - deal quickly with conflict and poor performance, challenging inappropriate behaviour.·        Lead with care - prioritise individuals wellbeing, empathising with personal circumstances, ask ‘what can I do to help?·        Lead change - respond positively to new things, supporting the team to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities.Inspire people.·        Live the values – be a role model of BPL behaviours and encourage everyone to do the same.·        Show passion - get people excited about where BPL is going and the part, they play in that.·        Show confidence – be open and honest, even if this means admitting mistakes.·        Be hands on – be visible and approachable, happy to get 'stuck in’ with an active interest in what the team is doing.·        Be collaborative- share own knowledge and expertise, supporting teams across the business.Develop people.·        Involve others – encourage people to get involved and 'have a go', learning from any mistakes along the way.·        Value others - show appreciation, give frequent thanks and shout about the good things.·        Support others - treat development as a priority, do the upmost to help people to grow.·        Coach others - provide regular, timely and balanced feedback.·        Encourage others - invite people to seek ways to improve things, listening with an open mind to suggestions and ideas. This profile indicates how this role contributes to our family and helps us to achieve our mission of ‘Helping people feel good’. Your duties could be subject to change as we innovate and adapt to new challenges in order to grow our business. Experience, Skills, and Qualifications that you may need:·                    Experience of staff supervision and management.·                    Experience of working within a leisure environment in areas such as Aquatics, Fitness, Golf, Reception and Trading Operations.·                    Communication and listening skills.  ·                    Be an influencer and Motivator. ·                    Decision making and challenging incorrect practice. ·                    Knowledge of Microsoft packages and computing skills.·                    Managing and prioritizing yours and others workload.·                    Knowledge of operational people practice such as working time directives, break allowances, staff wellbeing and managing absences. ·                    Knowledge of health and safety. ·                    Customer service.  ·                    Handling complaints. ·                    Coaching and developing staff.·                    Adaptable to meet the needs of the business.·                    Industry knowledge - i.e new technology, law and legislation. ·                    Willingness to develop yourself and our business. ·                    *Hold a specific qualification for your specialist role, including the National Pool Lifeguard, Fitness Level 2, Catering Food Hygiene level 2 and Bar Licencing qualifications  ·                    Pool Plant Operator’s Certificate (Site dependant)  ·                    First Aid at Work Qualification   *full training will be provided if not qualified and must be completed by the end of your probation (if applicable).Must be able to work as part of a flexible rota system involving evening/weekend/callout work. Able to work at other sites if required at short notice & hold a full UK driving licence with access to a vehicle. Conditional offers of employment may be made if an individual does not meet the criteria on application. Individuals will be expected to work towards reaching the required criteria within agreed timescales. Confirmation of appointment will be subject to demonstrable achievement of all Experience, Skills & Knowledge criteria.  And any other duties commensurate with the grade and falling within the scope of the post, as requested by Management. Closing Date: Monday 21st October 2024Interview Date: Thursday 24th October 2024N.B. BPL reserves the right to close for applications earlier than the advertised closing dateDue to the high volume of applications BPL receives we are unable to send acknowledgement letters to each applicant. Therefore, if you have not received any correspondence by Monday 04th November 2024 you should assume that on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful. Annual

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