Fitness Instructor

Location: Your Space PontefractHours of Work:  Casual "as and when required" hours per weekRate of Pay:  up to £8.91 per hour depending on age We are currently looking for an experienced, energetic and enthusiastic Fitness Instructor to join the team at Your Space Pontefract. You will be responsible for the smooth running of the fitness suite. This involves carrying out induction training for customers, to ensure a high level of guest care is achieved. An excellent motivator with a customer focused, personable and flexible approach you should have a strong interest in sport/health and fitness, coupled with previous experience in a fitness environment and a minimum level 2 fitness qualification.DETAILS OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The main functions of the post are:  1             To provide exceptional customer service by maintaining high levels of standards and service which ensure repeat visits and longevity of memberships. 2             To keep up to date, the agreed governing body fitness licenses and attend internal and external training on a regular basis to support ongoing professional development. 3             To work in a team alongside other Fitness Instructors delivering various inductions and programmes which work towards exacting retention and member tracking systems. 4             To uphold all Health and safety requirements in all Health and fitness related areas in line with BPLs set policies and procedures and after the appropriate training. Specific duties and responsibilities are:  1    To assist members in the fitness gyms and studios to achieve their health and fitness aims and objectives.2    To provide exceptional member and customer service in all aspects of BPLs health and fitness brands across the organisation.3    To clean, maintain and carry out basic servicing of equipment after initial basic training in order to provide members with clean, safe, working pieces of kit.4    To carry out other cleaning duties, for example, member change areas, Health suite areas, toilets and showering areas, Gym and studio areas.5    To provide quality exercise and induction programmes for a wide ranging membership base with variable needs and high levels of expectation.6    To carry out basic housekeeping duties in terms of administration where consistent, verbal and written communication will be required. For example, the completion of checklists, basic filing systems and the storing of customer data securely, for example, programme cards, induction and medical information.7    To proactively take responsibility for standards within the facility through visual daily inspection, for example, recognition and reporting of basic faults, checking the quality of customer information provided and displayed. Cleanliness, smell and hygiene within all areas.8    To proactively learn and gain knowledge about the wider customer service in terms of how this affects the business. For example, retention and attrition issues, membership sales and cancellations, direct debit and income levels.9    To liaise and build solid relationships with other internal departments. For example, Customer Sales staff.   This is in order to work effectively as a team in the delivery of the overall facility service.10  To attend staff meetings, to attend internal and external training when deemed appropriate by line managers. This is in order to maintain the pre requisite knowledge to support the job position held.11  To proactively liaise with service contractors and other service providers to ensure fitness equipment and other fitness related provisions are maintained, serviced and reported with down time kept to an absolute minimum.And any other duties commensurate with the grade and falling within the scope of the post, as requested by Management. Closing Date:  09.00am, Monday 19th April 2021Due to the high volume of applications BPL receives, we are unable to send acknowledgement letters to each applicant. Therefore, if you have not received any correspondence by Monday 3rd May 2021 you should assume that on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful.

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