First Year Apprentice Vacancy - Civil Engineering

**First Year Apprentice Vacancy**Interviews will be held in June/July.  About GMC Utilities Group:Founded in 1981, GMC Utilities Group is one of Ireland's leading civil and engineering companies, successfully delivering large-scale infrastructure projects for over 40 years. Our people, wealth of expertise and innovative solutions are the pillars of our success in the modernisation of Ireland's infrastructure. We specialise in six core sectors:Water, Gas, Power, Telecoms, Public Sector and Renewables. Job Description:GMC Utilities Group is currently seeking a motivated and enthusiastic individual to join our team as a First Year Apprentice in Civil Engineering. This entry-level position offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience and develop valuable skills in the field of civil engineering. Key Responsibilities:Assist senior engineers and technicians in various civil engineering projects, including construction, maintenance, and infrastructure development.Learn and apply engineering principles and techniques under the guidance of experienced professionals.Perform site inspections, surveys, and measurements to support project planning and execution.Operate and maintain engineering tools, equipment, and machinery in a safe and responsible manner.Collaborate with team members to ensure projects are completed on time, within budget, and to high-quality standards.Adhere to safety protocols, regulations, and company policies to promote a safe working environment. Qualifications:Enrolled to ATU Sligo's Civil Engineering Degree.Strong interest in civil engineering and construction-related activities.Basic knowledge of engineering principles, mathematics, and technical drawing.Excellent communication skills and the ability to work effectively in a team environment.Willingness to learn, take initiative, and adapt to changing project requirements.Commitment to safety, quality, and professional development. Benefits:Competitive salary and benefits package.Opportunities for career advancement and professional growth.Hands-on training and mentorship from experienced engineers and technicians.Exposure to diverse projects and industry-leading technologies.Supportive and inclusive work environment that values teamwork and collaboration. How to Apply:Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV via the job postings or via email to Please include "First Year Apprentice - Civil Engineering" in the subject line of your email. Join the GMC Utilities Group team and embark on an exciting career journey in civil engineering! We look forward to welcoming passionate individuals who share our commitment to excellence and innovation.

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