First Line Maintenance (line Tender)

The role-•To Ensure quality service to production through detailed knowledge of production and maintenance procedures in terms of setting up and running of equipment efficiently to meet production requirements.•Front line maintenance is an integral part of the team bridging the gap between engineering and productionKey Responsibilities·First line maintenance personnel are responsible for machine / equipment set-ups and strip downs, changeovers at the start of the shift and during production runs to ensure downtime is kept to minimum·Report Faults, abnormal noises or erratic movements to anticipate and prevent potential breakdowns from occurring.·Assist Maintenance engineers with breakdowns·Take ownership of machinery and become “the expert” for your production area (zone)·Make adjustments to machines (and record on CMMS) where necessary to ensure a high quality product is maintained along with line specific KPI’s (OEE etc)·Liaise with shift supervisors or step up supervisors directly to report issues and activities on a daily basis, requesting of a Maintenance engineer when required·To liaise and communicate with production to foster constructive and collaborative working relationship with line leaders and production supervisors.·To adhere to SOPs and carry out all tasks to the best of your ability·Help develop and promote high standards of workmanship and safety within the department. (Housekeeping , walk away standards)·Ensure ALL work is captured using CMMs (Pirana) including detailed write ups, all parts are correctly booked out of stock, flag any missing parts or parts low on stock to supervisor and / or Engineering storeman.·This job description does not contain an exhaustive list of the responsibilities and duties of the position. You are required to carry out any reasonable request by you manager, or a member of management for the achievement of both individual and Company goalsHours of work-5 day week with rota day offDays 05.00 – 13.30Nights 17.00 – 01.30Salary-TBC

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