Financial Accountant

Reports to:                Financial ControllerHours:                        37 hours per weekPosition:                    Full time, permanent ROLE PURPOSEAssist with the month-end close process; preparation of statutory financial statements and management of the external audit process for the Blackrock Hospital Group; management of risk and compliance with accounting standards, taxation and other relevant legislation QUALIFICATIONSQualified accountant: Newly Qualified Accountant - ideally 1-2 years PQE KEY RESPONSIBILITIES1.  Key Areas of Responsibility Treasury/Internal1.1             In conjunction with the FP&A team, preparation of monthly journals and balance sheet reconciliations for Fixed Assets, Stock, Debtors and Creditors 1.2             Maintenance of fixed asset register and balance sheet inventory reporting 1.3             Cashflow management including the preparation of regular bank reconciliations ensuring all outstanding items are reconciled in a timely manner Audit1.4             Preparation of annual statutory financial statements in accordance with recognised accounting standards and relevant legislation 1.5             Engage with the external auditor to understand and deliver information requirements as part of the annual statutory audit process 1.6             Provision of financial information to Head Office to facilitate the consolidation of group statutory financial statements Taxation1.7             Preparation of bi-monthly VAT3 and other revenue returns as they fall due including RTDs, Customs & Excise 1.8             Submission of corporation tax reporting information to faciliate the preparation of corporation and deferred taxation computations Compliance, Risk & Control1.9             Assist in implementing and monitoring internal and external audit recommendations 1.10          Development of finance policies as required and ensure existing Finance Department policies and procedures are updated and distribued regularly 1.11          Assist with the implementation of GDPR requirements for the Finance Department 1.12          Engage with the finance team on continuous improvement and commit to the adoption of best practice while seeking out opportunities to improve systems and processes 1.13          Undertake various ad hoc reporting or accounting assignments as required 2.  Communication Skills 2.1             Engage, collaborate and communicate appropriately with finance colleagues and other members of the health care teams to ensure a quality service is provided to all while constantly striving for excellence in patient/customer care. 2.2             Communicate in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict and prevents undue anxiety. 2.3             Recognise limitations and seek assistance where necessary. 2.4             Attend and contribute to appropriate meetings. 2.5             Accept constructive advice when appropriate. 2.6             Report all incidents immediately, which may adversely affect a patient, colleague or the Blackrock Clinic. 3.  General Expectations 3.1             Support the philosophy, objectives and goals of Blackrock Clinic. 3.2             Observe the appropriate lines of authority. 3.3             Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all patients and the activities of Blackrock Clinic. 3.4             Demonstrate flexibility by assisting in all areas of the Hospital/Clinic as required. 3.5             Observe annual leave policy with due consideration for strict reporting deadlines and the timing of other key deliverables. 3.6             Participate in developing and providing quality care within Blackrock Clinic. 3.7             Assist in the orientation of new personnel. 3.8             Continue to develop personal knowledge, attend internal training as required and seeks outside educational opportunities. 3.9             Present a professional appearance and confirm to the dress, hygiene and infection control policies of the Clinic. 3.10          Is always punctual on duty. 3.11          Flexible attitude to changing work practices. This job description indicates the main responsibilities of the post and is subject to periodic revision and amendment with the post holder.  

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