Financial Accountant (6 months FTC)

About Us We are a team of passionate individuals, developing ground-breaking biological solutions to sustainably and safely control pests that transmit disease, destroy crops and harm livestock. We do this work to improve lives and livelihoods around the world in the face of growing threats that pests pose to human health and the global food supply. Whilst what we do relates to developing pest control technologies, our organisation is about people and in its service to people. We are strongly committed to a set of values, principles, and behaviours, and foster a culture of trust, respect, creativity, and accountability. Click here to learn more, and click here to read our CEO’s blog on trust and our culture. Purpose of the Job This is a key role within a small finance team, reporting to the Group Finance Director, and providing monthly/weekly key information on the financial status of the company.  The role is primarily responsible for the preparation of UK and US management accounts, group consolidation, monthly UK payroll and HMRC reporting for VAT and suppliers.  Responsibilities Preparing the monthly UK and US management accounts and associated balance sheet reconciliations and group consolidation including variance analysis and commentary; Liaising with the People Team for payroll inputs and performing monthly reconciliation; Preparing weekly consolidated cashflow; Preparing quarterly VAT returns; Assisting Group Finance Director with any annual audit and tax requirements; Maintaining user accounts in accounting systems; Liaising with third party Finance system provider to ensure the ERP system is kept up to date to reflect both internal and external changes; Processing monthly company credit card claims; Maintaining the company expense system, Concur; Supporting the Group Finance Director with ad hoc requests.  Skills, Experience, and Education Requirements Qualified CIMA/ACCA; Experience of group consolidations; Previous management accounts experience; Familiarity with Microsoft Dynamics Business Central; Excellent knowledge of Office 365 and a pro-active approach to IT systems; A track record of working in a small team; Experience of working in a global business; Must be diligent and organised; Self-starter.  Behavioural Requirements Committed to and passionate for the Oxitec mission and values; Responsive to the needs of an international business working across different time zones, adapting working patterns in-line with business requirements; Positive, humble, co-operative and professional always; Work with a sense of urgency, and solves things promptly; Resilient and persistent in an innovative and constantly changing environment. 

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