Financial Accountant

Job Title: Financial AccountantAbout Us:RBK is seeking to recruit a Financial Accountant on behalf of our client, a major motor retailer in the Midlands.Responsibilities: Preparation of Balance Sheet Reconciliations for Year End:  - Conduct thorough analysis and reconciliation of balance sheet accounts to ensure accuracy and compliance with accounting standards.  - Prepare comprehensive documentation supporting year-end financial statements.Bank Reconciliations for All Bank Accounts:  - Perform regular bank reconciliations for all company accounts, identifying and resolving any discrepancies.  - Ensure accurate recording of financial transactions and reconcile banking activities.Assist with Preparation of Daily Cashflow Forecast:  - Collaborate with the finance team to develop and maintain a daily cashflow forecast.  - Monitor cash movements and provide insights to support effective cash management. Support Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Functions:  - Assist in the processing of accounts payable and receivable transactions.  - Work closely with relevant teams to address any financial discrepancies or issues.Assist with the Preparation of Annual Statutory Financial Accounts and Audit:  - Collaborate with external auditors to facilitate the annual audit process.  - Contribute to the preparation of statutory financial statements in compliance with relevant regulations.Ensure All Accounting Records Are Up to Date and Reconciled:  - Maintain accurate and up-to-date accounting records.  - Reconcile financial data regularly, identifying and addressing discrepancies promptly.Assist with Accurate and Timely Submission of Monthly IFC Data to BMW Ireland:  - Work closely with the team to compile and submit monthly IFC (Internal Financial Control) data to BMW Ireland.  - Ensure compliance with reporting requirements and deadlines.Profile:- Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, or a related field.- Professional accounting qualification (e.g., ACCA, CIMA) is preferred.- Proven experience in financial accounting roles.- Strong understanding of accounting principles and standards.- Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.- Proficient in Microsoft Excel and accounting software (e.g., QuickBooks, SAP).- Effective communication skills and ability to collaborate across teams.- Detail-oriented with a commitment to accuracy and integrity in financial reporting.How to Apply:Interested candidates should submit their resume and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience and qualifications to

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