Finance Support Officer

Finance Support Officer - Join Our Supportive Team at Mater Private Network!Are you passionate about helping people and possess a strong work ethic?Mater Private Network is seeking a dedicated Finance Support Officer to join our growing team. You will play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth financial experience for our patients, working closely with both patients and other departments.What you'll do:Act as an advocate for the finance department, liaising with patients in person and over the phone.Collect patient medical documents and verify insurance coverage.Answer patient enquiries about their accounts and guide them through the payment process.Collaborate with consultants regarding patient stays and medical necessity.Maintain accurate records and ensure all work adheres to departmental and hospital standards.Participate in training programmes to enhance your skills and knowledge.What you'll bring:A good standard of education and strong administrative experience.Previous hospital experience is a bonus.Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite.Excellent interpersonal skills, empathy, and a commitment to patient confidentiality.The ability to work independently, manage pressure, and meet deadlines.We offer:A supportive and collaborative work environment.Competitive salary and benefits package.The opportunity to make a positive difference in patients' lives.Ready to join our team?Mater Private Network is an equal opportunities employer.

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