Finance, Planning and Analysis (FP&A) Manager

Finance, Planning and Analysis (FP&A) ManagerLocation: Wolverhampton (i54 Business Park)The Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) manager will play a crucial role in the UK&I division by co-ordinating and reporting budgeting, forecasting, actuals and analysis that support major corporate decisions of the CFO, CEO, and the Divisional ExCo.What you'll be doing:Managing the weekly reporting cycle for all three Business UnitDelivering the Divisional closing cycle and reporting within One StreamReviewing, challenging and ensuring that all commentary and supporting schedules for both weekly and monthly reporting depict the correct tone and picture of the Divisions resultsProducing informative and challenging information for both Divisional and Group Managing the planning cycle including strategic plan, budget, forecasts and Business Performance Reviews (BPRs)Delivering this throughout the business by coordinating the activities, timetables, templates and requirements for each BU.Reviewing and challenging submissions, and ensuring a qualitative minimum standard Creating presentation materials including commercially focussed commentary for key meetings with the Tyman Group management teamEngender a continuous improvement mindset within the wider finance team, ensuring that processes continue to evolve, align and adapt to ever changing needsDesigning and re-designing processes as the nature of the business, it’s systems, and accounting policies and practices demands.To work with the divisional BI manager (who reports to e Commercial Director) to maximise the value of the legacy divisional BI toolsetTo work with the Hardware transformation team on the development and implementation of a new SAP Analytics based BI platformWhat we’re looking for:Qualified accountant, ideally CIMAExperience in different areas of finance  Strong experience of FP&A with demonstrable skills of using analysis to shape directionIdeally will have strategy experience either from consultancy or within a business  Highly computer literate: very strong excel skills with BI system experienceExposure to managing different stakeholder groups, with an appreciation of different cultures/stylesSector experience is not necessaryPossible some M&A experience (DD through to integration)About us:Tyman PLC is a FTSE listed business, with c£600m of turnover. The UK&I division of Tyman PLC contains three operating units being ERA Home Security, Zoo Hardware and Access 360. Turnover c£100mWe manufacture and source a variety of door and window components, security equipment, seals, doors and hatches to UK and Irish markets. More detail can be found at “”.

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