Finance Manager

McCabes Pharmacy are currently recruiting for an experienced Finance Manager. McCabes Pharmacy is Ireland’s leading and fastest growing pharmacy chain. It now comprises 31 pharmacies across the State with an award-winning ecommerce platform and has over 400 employees on the payroll. For more information on the Company please refer to our website www.mccabespharmacy.comThe key roles and responsibilities of the role are as follows:•     Preparation of month end reporting including P&L, Balance Sheet and KPI Analysis.•     Reconciliation of various balance sheet accounts. •     Supervise and mentor other members of the accounts team and be the day-to-day support for these colleagues.•     Analysis of and reporting on financial performance.•     Cash flow analysis.•     Filing of revenue returns VAT, VIES, RTD etc. •     Annual budget preparation in collaboration with colleagues from other departments.•     Year end audit preparation and liaising with external auditors. •     Asses the current processes, systems and reporting structures for improvements and time savings.•     Assisting the Finance Director with ad hoc projects: •     Analysis of potential acquisitions•     Greenfield Projections•     Assisting the Finance Director in the management of controls and risks Required attributes.•        ACCA/ACA qualified Accountant with minimum two years PQE•        Experience working in the pharmacy, healthcare and or the retail sector a distinct advantage.•        Has strong technical ability, excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office, in particular Excel.•        Experience with Sage 200 or similar package.•        High level of attention to detail and strong initiative.•        Ability to meet tight deadlines consistently, and to take ownership of role.•        A strong sense of responsibility and confidentiality.•        Excellent communicator, highly articulate with excellent report writing skills•        Ability to learn quickly and keep abreast of developments in the sector.•        An ability to take initiative and follow things through to completion.•        Highly organised and efficient•        Excellent interpersonal skills Benefits•        Competitive Salary•        Pension •        Healthcare•        Bonus•        Hybrid•        Parking

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