Accounts Payable Specialist

Accounts Payable Specialist We are looking for a committed individual who has experience processing accounts. Reporting to the Financial Controller, the Accounts Payable Specialist will ensure that all purchase invoices are authorised correctly and paid efficiently to the society and suppliers.Each of our homes and schemes express God’s love through compassion and care that helps people live life to the full - fulfilled living. Our focus is providing a loving and caring environment for our “family members” (our residents) and maintaining the Christian ethos that is important to many of them. Everything we do in our Homes, Schemes, in the Head Office Team (Operations, Property, Human Resources, Finance, Marketing and IT services) and through our community activity, supports that.Responsibilities:Ensure purchase ledger incoming mail and emails are dealt with on a daily basis;Responsible for authorising all purchase ledger invoices;Process on the accounting system for all transactions within agreed SLA’s;Support the month-end close process including and not limited to the accrual and prepayment process.Support and collaborate with the internal users of the purchase to pay (P2P) process to ensure queries are dealt with on a timely basis.Payment to suppliers on time;Reviewing transactions in the nominal ledger to ensure completeness and to answer queries.Processing of travel and expenses, including corporate credit cards.Responsible for the month-end close and nominal account reconciliations.In addition to the duties and responsibilities listed, you are required to perform other duties assigned by your manager from time to time that are within your capabilities.About you:AAT Level 3 Qualified;You have excellent Microsoft Office Skills including Excel (VLookups & Pivot Tables);You are able to communicate effectively;You are committed to meeting deadlines and able to plan and prioritise work;You have strong time management skills;You are well organised;A positive attitude towards Pilgrims’ Friend Society and its wider aims and objectives and are able to fully agree with our Doctrinal Basis.For more details, please take a look at the Job Description & Person Specification *Applicants must be evangelical Christians (This role has an Occupational Requirement to be filled by a Christian under the provisions of the Equality Act (2010).) Hours:Full-time contract, working 34.5 hours a week, Monday to Friday.Benefits:Hybrid working (2 days in the office)Flexible working hours5 Weeks' paid holiday per year, as well as bank and public holidaysTraining & developmentOngoing support from managementPerkbox – including an Employee assistance programmeCare Friends referral Long-standing service rewardsBirthday rewardsLife assurance schemePension scheme— What our staff say about us: …“It is a friendly and welcoming place to work” … —Pilgrims’ Friend Society is a registered charity. Our Christian ethos is central to everything we plan and do. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds.Please note: this vacancy may close sooner if sufficient applications have been received so please apply as soon as possible if interested.

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