Finance Assistant (Bookkeeper)

JOB SUMMARY:Accounts payable involves providing financial, administrative, and clerical support to the organisation. The role is to complete payments and control expense by receiving payments, plus processing, verifying and reconciling invoices. Your role will be to assist the Finance Operations Manager and team in providing support to a busy team. The post requires excellent accounting and organisational skills, IT skills, a dedication to detail and a willingness to adapt to ever changing conditions and pressures. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:Reporting directly to the Senior Finance Operations Co-Ordinator. Working within the accounts payable team. Assist in maintaining the Accounts Payable ledger – set up suppliers, process high volume of purchase invoices. Ensure all invoices are approved and signed off, cross referenced with the appropriate delegation of authority.Accurate calculation of sub contractor’s vat (RCT) Ensure the Accounts Payable ledger is fully reconciled on a regular basis (to supplier statements)– matching invoices to payments, resolve differences between invoices and pre-loaded information on SAGE.Monitor and maintain direct debit utility accounts. Liaise with Utility company’s and support any queries. Liaise with company credit card holders, maintain, record and reconcile to credit card statement each month.  Prepare bank payment file both electronically/ manually. Petty Cash reconciliation for 4 officesReport daily to the Finance Operations Manager to ensure there is excellent communication and co-ordination within the Finance team. KEY REQUIREMENTS:Preferably strong accounts payable experience, with at least three years’ experience in a busy accounts payable environment . Good knowledge of debits / credits. Previous experience processing sub contractor’s VAT (RCT) an advantageExperience working in a busy accounts payable environment. Proficient in MS Office – excel  Knowledge of SAGE Financial System desirableAbility to maintain Accounts Payable ledger desirableMaintenance of direct debit accounts and petty cash Must have good interpersonal skills Competent to work in a pressurized environmentMust be capable of working as part of a team HEALTH & SAFETYBe aware of and act in accordance with Health & Safety Policy Conduct all activities in a manner which is safe to yourself and others GENERALContribute as a team member to the work of other colleagues as required in pursuance of specific objectives, developing good lines of communication. Would suit individual with previous bookkeeping experience. Positively promote the Company whenever possibleUndertake any other occasional duties which are consistent with the responsibilities of the post as directed  This job description is not definitive or restrictive and will be subject to periodic review in the light of developments.

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