Finance Assistant

The successful applicant will be employed by Vigilant based at our Head Office in Dumfries on a full time contract. This is an exciting & varied role for an enthusiastic individual to join the finance team of an ambitious organisation that recognises talent and encourages personal development. About Us We cover a range of security related services including manned guarding, mobile patrols and keyholding throughout the UK. High standards are embedded in the DNA of the company and we pride ourselves on delivering seamless service to our clients. We are Investors in People Gold accredited and believe that we are only as good as the people we employ, so staff welfare, support and development, is an absolute priority for us. We ensure our staff from the outset are given the skills required to be competent and professional ambassadors, for both our and the client’s business. What We Offer: Working hours of Monday - Friday 09:00hrs until 17:00hrs with 1 hour for lunch20 days holiday plus 8 statutory holidays per annumPersonal development and career progressionFull training in Vigilant's services and processes and a clear understanding of an office environmentA fun, lively and positive company cultureCompetitive Salary, to be discussed on appointment Preferred Skills:An ambitious candidate with a real passion for a career in financeExcellent written, communication skillsAn understanding of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft OutlookStrong organisational skills with a keen eye for detailA real desire to learn the various accounting packages used within finance Duties and Responsibilities: Keeping uniform orders updated on online ordering platforms & tracking uniform issues & budgetsAssisting in processing holiday requestsRaising Purchase OrdersAssisting with maintaining budgetsSpreadsheet maintenanceAssist with processing monthly payroll & dealing with associated queries.Assist with the sales ledger function including raising monthly invoices. We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age. We will endeavour to respond to all those who apply.

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