Finance Assistant

J C Michael Groups Ltd is a Domiciliary Care Agency with Branches in London, the Surrounding Counties and Scotland, we pride ourselves in being the Face of Care of the UK. We are looking to recruit an addition of Finance Assistant to join our Finance Team.You will be based in our Head Office in Canary Wharf.Main responsibilities and duties (but not limited to):• Carry out accounting duties across company subsidiary portfolios/projects• Experience with Xero accounting software is desirable• Administering Sales and purchase invoices & receipts and posting data into accounting software and/or ledgers.• Bills processing• Reconciliations including Bank, Sales ledger, Purchase ledger and General ledger.• Preparation of Management report (P&L and Balance Sheet)• Managing employee expense claims• Credit control – liaising with NHS, Local Authorities, and private clients.• Preparations and submission of Quarterly VAT Returns• Preparation and submission of fortnightly payment runs• Filing and posting admin task related to Accounting position• Assisting and reporting to Finance Officer/ Finance Manager• Experienced working with MS Excel and in-house invoicing system.• Assisting Finance Manager in preparation for Year-end Account and annual audit.Specification:• Previous experience in Finance healthcare sector is desirable but not essential.• Proactive approach and effective team player• High level of attention to detail• Being able to work independently with minimal supervision• Strong organisational/time management• Strong verbal and written communication skills• Intermediate IT skills including MS Word and Excel (able to use basic formula functions such as: Sum, VLOOKUP, Pivot tables, IF etc)Qualifications and Experience:• Minimum of five GCSEs (graded A-C), including English and Maths (or equivalent), AAT, Accounting and Finance.• Accounting package experience: preferably Xero Accounting Software  • Intermediate with Microsoft Excel

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