Finance Analyst

About TSGTSG UK is part of TSG Group which provides a wide array of solutions for the forecourt, commercial fleet and transport industry across Europe and Africa. TSG is the largest service and equipment provider in the industry with more than 50 years of experience in installation, service & maintenance, supporting independent networks and multinational oil companies across the UKAbout the roleAs part of your new role, you will work within the commercial finance team at TSG UK based at our Longforgan office. You will have excellent numerical and Microsoft excel skills, and data analytic capabilities. You will be able to operate in a dynamic environment, where priorities can rapidly change.Key ResponsibilitiesGenerate timely and accurate financial management information.Provide valuable analysis and insights into specific business line performance.Help develop standardised reports and processes.Support with month/year end reporting.Maintain reconciliations of accrual informationBuild strong, supportive relationships with team members and stakeholders across TSG UK.Essential skills and experiencePrevious experience in financial reporting preferred.Proficiency in Microsoft Excel.Effective, informative communication and presentation skillsProactive and problem solving mindsetAnalytical background preferred but not essential.Ability to work in a dynamic environment and prioritise tasks to meet deadlines.This opportunity is open to both experienced candidates and recent graduates. Salary is negotiable dependant on experience. Flexible hybrid working may be available after a set period of time.TSG UK Hybrid Working Policy: TSG UK is pleased to offer a flexible hybrid work arrangement for our working community. We feel this encourages the best engagement and collaboration with your team and co-workers, while allowing you to enjoy a work life balance based on your own needs and preferences. Unless otherwise stated, our flexible hybrid work arrangement will request you to be based for a minimum of two days a week in our Longforgan office, Dundee. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; our commitment to DEI: TSG UK is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to the equal treatment of all current and prospective employees and do not condone discrimination based on age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership. We recognise the value that a diverse and inclusive workforce brings to our business and customers, and we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to join us at TSG. 

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