Finance Administrator - 6 Month Contract -Stamullen

Trinity Care, a leading nursing home group are currently recruiting a Finance Administrator, This is a full time fixed term role offered based in Gormanston Wood Nursing Home. We are looking for a experienced Finance administrator to join our dynamic team. At Gormanston Wood we place our Residents at the heart of every decision we make. Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities 1.   Manage all resident accounts and ongoing resident/NOK queries2.   Ensure that debtors management is under control and following up with any resident that is overdue.3.   Ensure any changes to residents fair deal are communicated to accounts department in Head office4.   Ensuring Contracts of Care and Guarantees are signed and accurate5.   Engage with solicitors where necessary in relation to resident accounts6.   Maintaining resident information on epic7.   Track residents billable extras and charge resident accordingly.8.   Occupancy Reports9.   Communicate with relevant authority regarding admission/charges/discharge/death10. Tracking of resident funding and ensuring residents have funding in place11. Create and upkeep Resident Files12. Ensuring the Home brochure has up to date information.13. Posting brochures to prospective clients14. Manage Petty Cash for the home15. Occupancy Reports16. Assist with monthly management accounts.17. Monitoring of budgets.18. Banking and provide up-to-date records to the finance department.19. Liaise with funders/families re billing/queries/issues.20.Ensure relevant rebates/refunds are received on a timely basis Candidate Requirements:Computer literate with advanced knowledge of MS ExcelStrong organisational and communication skillsStrong attention to detailDesire to learn and develop in the role.3 years administration experience SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE & QUALIFICATIONS.You must have a:Genuine interest in working within a Caring EnvironmentAbility to communicate effectively at all levelsWillingness to be team player

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