Field Service Technician

Are you looking for an opportunity that can provide you with a pathway for your own personal and career development?At TSG Solutions, we are committed to expanding our nationwide teams with like-minded people, enabling us to offer the best possible solutions to our customers. We are now hiring a Field Service Technician to cover M25 North area (Epping, South Mims, Waltham Abbey etc.). This is a fantastic opportunity that provides you with a career road map and where no two days are the same!What you'll do:Once ramped up, you will be directly involved in the servicing, maintenance and repair of key fueling and forecourt equipment including dispensers, tank gauges, EPOS systems and media solutions.Key responsibilities:Daily diagnostic testing, troubleshooting and repair of customer equipment.Installation and commissioning of new equipment.Maintain and enhance customer relationships.Produce timely and accurate service reports.Ensure all calls are attended promptly and within set SLA.Ensure all company equipment is properly maintained and in good working order at all times.Ensure compliance with set HSSE guidelines.Skills & abilities required for this position:Mechanical/Electrical Engineering HNC/HND (equivalent) and / or relevant experienceConfident in the use of hand toolsTechnical awareness including: Experience of diagnosing and repairing mechanical, electrical and electronic systems. Ability to voltage test AC/DC single and three phase suppliesStrong customer service skills with ability to interact confidently and professionally with end customerFlexible approach with the ability to work alone or as part of a teamGood communication skillsUnderstanding of PC hardware, networking and IT troubleshooting is a plus.If you're ready to take on a challenging and rewarding role that offers serious opportunities for growth and development, apply now to join our dynamic team at TSG Solutions. We're committed to your success and providing a supportive environment where you can thrive.Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, our commitment:TSG UK is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to the equal treatment of all current and prospective employees and do not condone discrimination based on age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership. We recognise the value that a diverse and inclusive workforce brings, and we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to join us at TSG UK.

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