Field Service Engineer

B. Braun is one of the world’s leading health care suppliers and is in the Top 20 ranking of Medical Devices Companies. The company employs over 64,000 people in 64 countries. B. Braun is active in 18 therapy fields and applications with a focus on hospitals, medical practices, pharmacies, nursing, emergency services and at-home care. B. Braun is celebrating 40 years in Ireland. We are delighted to be recognised as a Great Place to Work in Ireland and one with a mission to become the most progressive workplace in the life sciences industry.As Field Service Engineer you will join a team of 5 experienced engineers providing technical support to a range of B. Braun equipment from automated infusion systems to renal dialysis equipment and surgical technology. A structured training programme will be put in place for the successful candidate incorporating certified manufacturer training courses in conjunction with hands on experience working alongside senior engineers in our workshop and on customer sites. You will be challenged in this role to develop and establish expertise in a wide portfolio of B. Braun medical device technology. As your competence and experience levels grow you will become an important member of our engineering team contributing to the planning and implementation of large installation projects and also working independently in our workshop and on customer sites. This is a unique opportunity to work within a dynamic, collaborative and professional engineering team with exposure to cooperate on projects with our international colleagues. This opportunity will suit a recent graduate or an experienced engineer ready for a new challenge and provides a pathway for further career progression within B. Braun.Job Title: Field Service EngineerReporting to: Healthcare Technology ManagerPositions available : 2Location: East / West IrelandIn this role your core responsibilities will include:To engage in the technical repair, both preventative and corrective, of equipment at customer sites or other locations. To undertake technical and user support training (both locally and in Germany) for B. Braun products and any other relevant equipment. To develop and maintain a level of technical competency to work independently and confidently.Willingness to learn and embrace emerging technologies in the dynamic environment of modern medical devices. To be commercially aware and market orientated. Flexibility to travel to our customers throughout the 32 counties of Ireland. To work as part of a team in the achievement of team/organisational objectives To work with colleagues in the administration of spare parts stock and other record keeping duties. To engage and understand the policies and procedures associated with the business. To work with the team in any other activities which will benefit the team and the customer. Key Skills:  Ensures attention to detail.Contributes to the team, readily helps or co-operates, encourages reasonable relationships within their team.Demonstrates problem solving ability. Uses a structured problem solving process to obtain results. Clearly identifies root causes of problems. Uses appropriate analyses to generate a variety of options. Evaluates solutions to determine the most suitableCan build rapport. Is outgoing and positive to customers. Relates well to other members of the work team or customers. Displays enthusiasm and is understated in approach.Is open and receptive to other people, picks up other peoples’ immediate feelings and emotions and is able to communicate basic information effectivelyCan deal with several tasks at once, is able to cope with most normal situations, is seen as a reasonable individual capable of a healthy give and take relationship. Other individuals are able to present sensitive ideas in their presence. Is willing to compromise without compromising integrity. Requirements: Qualified in electronic / electrical / mechanical / biomedical engineering or similar technical disciplineValid Visa to work in Ireland is essentialStrong I.T. and communication skills essential.  Previous experience in technical service (maintenance & repair) and I.T. hardware desirable.Comfortable working in a clinical setting and interacting with allied health professionals (e.g. nurses, doctors, biomed engineers)Familiar with relevant E.U. Directives for medical devices, e.g. MDR, EN 60601, I.S.O. quality standards.Full clean driving licenseFlexible to travel regularly throughout designated region, and further as the need arisesWe here at B. Braun cultivate a culture of inclusion for all employees that respects their individual strengths, views, and experiences. We believe that our differences enable us to be a better team – one that makes better decisions, drives innovation and delivers better business results.We believe in improving people’s health through everything we do. We are passionate about our people. Passionate about our business. Passionate about B. Braun!B. Braun - Sharing Expertise

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