Field Sales Representative Waterford

PrepayPower are looking for a full-time Sales Representative to join our Field Sales Team. The successful candidate will be a real people person, working door-to-door sales, selling Ireland’s leading pay-as-you-go energy products. This role is better than ever before, with our improved salary and commission structure! Plus, if you start in May 2022 you’ll receive a €2,000 attendance bonus, paid in two instalments in August & November 2022. What you’ll do: Work door to door, generating new customers and helping Ireland take control of its energy and broadband costs What we’ll do for you: ·      Start in May2022 and receive a €2000 bonus·      Basic salary starting from €24,000- €26,000 Depending on experience with OTE up to €46,000·      Uncapped commission structure with the potential to earn up to €60,000·     Flexible Hour options available – Full-Time, Part-Time, 4 Day Week·      Benefits such as lunch allowance €40.00 Per week,·      Full training and ongoing development will be provided·      Great progression opportunities What you need to succeed: ·      You’ll need to be self-motivated, resilient & passionate about sales·      Previous sales experience is not essential·      Own transport is essential Fuel Allowance available·      Ambitious, target driven and embraces a challenge    At PrepayPower, as well as being market leaders, we’re also ranked as one of Ireland’s best workplaces by ‘Great Place to Work’. We offer a fast-paced and innovative experience for all employees, with an emphasis on performance recognition and career progression.We believe in working hard, working smart and having fun. Our team of 300 is growing fast. Please apply below. Prepay Power is an Equal Opportunity Employer; we believe in treating every employee, customer and stakeholder with dignity and respect.

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