Fibre Surveyor/Planner

Reporting to Project Manager and Survey LeadPlace of Work: Site based – Nationwide – current focus Scotland, London and Manchester. Travel to and from site is an integral part of the jobRoles and Responsibilities: We are looking for a fibre surveyor available for contract work (self employed) who has experience in capturing data during a site visit then creating documentation on Excel and Word reporting the result found on location. Own vehicle and equipment is required.The key responsibilities for the successful candidate will include:Liaise with survey lead to plan survey locationsLiaise with design team to plan optical fibre paths and produce maps and drawingsAdhere to Client specific procedures and specification.Carry out dynamic risk assessments on site prior to work commencing and report any visible hazards or defects from site by way of a “red flag” early warning system. Implement control measures as required to enable the survey to be completed in a safe manner.Accurately record all existing site information and propose the most practical & cost-effective solution based on client specification and any known constraints.Validate the HLD (high level design) and note any issues/dependencies.Act responsibly when attending any survey and protect the interests of both 4Site and the Customer always.Be professional, safety conscious and conscientious always both on and off site.Liaise with all those involved on site at survey including local authority representatives, landlords, council officials and any other 3rd party.Collate the information gathered in a concise & legible manner incl. survey notes, sketches, photos and present it clearly for submission to the Client.Compile all project specific reports and associated documentation with a strong focus on quality, deadlines and deliverables.Mentor and develop new team membersEscalate any issues or blockers immediately and provide support as required.Assist with resolving any queries to enable design to progress as quickly as possible.Comply with company policies/procedures without exception.Adhere to mandatory Health & Safety legislation without exception.Have familiarity working with a tablet/ipad for surveying work. Experience and Qualifications: 3 years + in a similar challenging work environmentPreferably with underground and overhead experience, incl. BTORUnderground; jointing, rodding/roping experience useful but not essentialOverhead; experience of poling, providing connections to customers houses as well as maintaining and surveying existing poles and connections useful but not essentialKnowledge and experience of trenching, ducting, cabling, poling, earthing etc.PC Literate (proficient in MS Office) with good reporting and communication skillsA good practical knowledge of all current safety legislation associated with underground and overhead work e.g. HSG47 Avoiding danger from underground services and GS6 Avoiding danger from overhead power lines (UK) or the Irish equivalent.A good understanding of NRSWA and reinstatementExcellent time management and organisational skillsAbility to multi-task in a structure formatStrong interpersonal skills in both oral and written communicationFull clean driving licenceExcellent written and spoken English required• Essential qualifications: - CSCS (CSR)- NRSWA (SWQR) - Unit 1 (essential) Unit 2 (preferable)- SA002- A8 & A9 BTOR accredited / SA001 & SA002 accredited (in date)• Equipment Required: - Laptop, with excel and word packages- iPad with camera- Chamber lifter- Gas Tester GDU- Roll bars- Gate Guards

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