F&B Assistant

DepartmentFood & BeverageReports ToOperations Manager/Senior Duty Manager/Duty Manager/Trainee Manager/SupervisorJob LevelFood and Beverage AssistantPurpose / OverviewComplete daily tasks to contribute in the running of the Bar, Restaurant, Events and other areas of the property when required. Complete all Food & Beverage related operations and processes, while ensuring a high level of customer care and customer satisfaction is maintained. Duties & Responsibilities·       Maintain responsibility for the Restaurant, Bar, Events and areas of work relating to food and beverage.·       Ensure all customer and guest expectations are exceeded.·       Carrying out day to day duties such as cleaning, organising and maintaining all food and beverage areas, ensuring the property is presentable at all times.·       Engage in teamwork·       Demonstrate initiative and work towards continuous improvement.·       Demonstrate a complete knowledge of menu items.·       Demonstrate a complete knowledge of wine and beverage list, including cocktails and promote the use of suggestive sell to guests.·       Ensure guest complaints are consistently resolved in a prompt and efficient manner and brought to the attention of the manager on duty.·       Work to maximise guest service and increase positive feedback.·       Work with management to ensure the food and beverage areas are well maintained.·       Ensure compliance with all established standards, policies and procedures across all operations relevant to the role.·       Ensure all transactions are completed through the POS systems correctly.·       Practice effective stock control in accordance with set guidelines – date rotation of stock. ·       Ensure all operational checklists for the bar are completed on an hourly, daily or weekly basis as set out by management.·       Ensure any customer query is dealt with and forwarded to all relevant parties where required.·       Maintain immaculate presentation and grooming, wearing designated uniform/business attire and name badge at all times.·       Carrying out duties as assigned by the Operations Manager or other members of the management team. Qualifications, Knowledge and ExperienceKnowledge·       A full understanding of the Food and Beverage Menus.·       Allergen awareness.Prior Experience·       Prior experience in Food and Beverage would be beneficial but not necessary in all cases.BenefitsFree ParkingDiscount rates at Comer Group HotelsDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland managed Spa & Leisure FacilitiesDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland Restaurants

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