Family Planning Doctor

Vacancy:      Women's Health Doctor Contract:      Part-time, or full-time sessional Salary:          €104,000 per annum pro rata The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) is Ireland’s leading sexual health provider. We provide a wide range of services at our medical clinics and nationwide counselling centres, including specialist pregnancy counselling, abortion care, sexual and reproductive health services, and education and training.We are committed to ensuring that every person in Ireland can exercise sexual and reproductive rights and choices with respect for reproductive autonomy and bodily integrity. IFPA is a pro-choice organisation and will support a woman’s own decision in all cases. An opportunity has arisen for a part-time or full-time sessional Women's Health Doctor in the IFPA Clinic in Cathal Brugha Street.Key Responsibilities:·      Provide contraceptive and other medical services in accordance with best medical practice·      Provide early medical abortion care as outlined in the HSE’s model of care·      Provide cervical and primary healthcare STI screenings·      Diagnose, give advice and appropriate referral on medical gynaecology such as treatment for premenstrual syndrome, menstrual disorders, menopausal problems, pelvic pain and infertility·      Diagnose and give advice and appropriate referral for problems in early pregnancy, e.g., miscarriage, ectopic pregnancies·      Analyse all medical screening results and ensure appropriate follow up·      Time is allocated for admin to ensure departure at end of session. The successful applicant will require:·      Full registration with the Irish Medical Council·      Medical Defence Insurance·      Certificate in Contraception·      Experience in family planning and sexual health·      Certified smear taker A full job description is available here. For more information contact panel may be formed for the filling of future vacancies.

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