Facility Coordinator

Company: J.C. Michael Groups Location: Various Local Branches and Properties across London, Essex, Kent, and ScotlandAbout Us: J.C. Michael Groups is a leading care provider dedicated to delivering top-notch services to our clients. We are looking for an innovative and proactive Facility Coordinator to ensure our facilities run smoothly across multiple locations.Job Purpose: The Facility Coordinator will be responsible for maintaining our facilities, managing assets, and implementing effective systems. This role requires hands-on repairs and maintenance, along with precise record-keeping of all physical assets. You must also be comfortable with multiple forms of technology and have high IT competency (Key Responsibilities:Asset Management: Maintain a detailed database of all physical assets (equipment, furniture, stationery, computers, etc.).Facility Operations: Ensure smooth operation of company properties and branch locations.Relocations: Safely manage the movement of stored company items.Financial Coordination: Record and oversee outgoing payments, coordinating with the Accounts team.Security Systems: Ensure all CCTV systems are operational.IT Coordination: Work with IT providers to maintain IT systems and devices.Maintenance: Ensure all equipment is serviced and maintained.Health and Safety: Conduct annual maintenance of health and safety items.Office Setup: Prepare new offices and properties for use.Energy Management: Monitor and report office energy consumption.PPE Management: Assist with the delivery and management of personal protective equipment.Regulatory Compliance: Ensure facilities meet government regulations and health, safety, and security standards.Duties:Purchase, store, and manage inventory of equipment.Manage fleet care, including hiring and purchasing vehicles.Source new buildings and properties.Oversee building projects, renovations, and refurbishments.Manage archives.Identify cost-saving opportunities.Oversee contractual agreements for services (security, parking, cleaning, technology).Skills:Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook, Excel).Competency with IT systems and the latest technology.Excellent customer service skills.Strong organizational and administrative skills.Requirements:First aid and fire safety trained.Minimum 3 years of driving experience (no points).IT competent.

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