Hanley Calibration are currently looking to hire a Facilities Maintenance Technician. This position is based at our clients’ site on a Pharmaceutical company in Co. Waterford. Reporting directly to the Facilities Engineering Team Leader / Manager on site, the role will involve day to day maintenance of the site Facilities Engineering Utilities.Key aspects of the role will involve:Providing robust site utility availability in compliance with Quality and EHS requirements.Contributor to the site utility operations maintenance planning and energy management.As Facilities Maintenance Technician, you will be responsible for:Contribute as a Facilities Maintenance Technician in the site wide Facilities Engineering Team including Engineers, Planners and Maintenance Technicians.Ensure short, medium and long term plans are in place for all classes of utilities in pursuit of excellence in availability, maintenance cost and energy utilisation.Ensure cGMP compliance is paramount in all maintenance activities and systems and that Facilities Engineering processes / systems are audit ready at all times.Ensure continuous challenge and development of self through performance reviews, regular 1:1s and Personal Development Planning.Participate in the Departmental On-Call and Shift Rotas, as required.Participate and contribute to site energy (gas, electricity & water) to ensure continuous improvement in energy use and reduction through continuous improvement.Raise WOs as required in CMMS. Record all PM and WO completion and associated Maintenance Manhours into CMMS within scheduled time.A3 Issue resolution as assigned - Work with Eng / Ops in performing structured problem solving to resolve technical issues and then prepare and present A3s at MDI where required.As part of VDM / CI - Identify programs / projects and actions to reduce / eliminate technical losses.Support initiatives / workshops / kaizens, FMEAs, cross training as required through attendance and active participation.What we need from you is:Qualified Mechanical, Electrical, Automation or Maintenance Technician (Level 6 HETAC).At least 5+ years experience in a Facilities Maintenance role.Facilities / Utilities knowledge & experience.Strong understanding of maintenance, reliability, safety, quality and regulatory.See it – own it – do it attitude, self-motivated individual.Benefits:Competitive salary.Training & educational support systems.Employee Assistance Program (EAP).Pension SchemeVHI Healthcare benefit allowance

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