Facilities and Procurement Administrator

The Lidon Group has an exciting opportunity for an experienced Facilities and Procurement Administrator to join our Support Office team in Monasterevin. This is a part time role, 20 hrs per week over five days.Key Responsibilities:Update and maintain the Planned and Preventative maintenance sheets for all sites.Support the Facilities Manager in procurement and gathering quotes for PPM agreements.Weekly ad hoc procurement as the need arises.Developing and maintaining subcontractor and supplier lists with contact details.Prepare call up sheets for preventative maintenance works in advance of each week to advise facilities staff ahead of time. Assist with the preparation and completion of monthly Facilities balanced scorecards. Confirm and log all planned and preventative maintenance works on PPM sheets for record purposes.Ensure service agreement lists are developed under Facilities Manager's guidance and regularly updated, to enable us to monitor performance and remove underperforming sub-contractors while strengthening our service support network.Collating and chasing quotes and presenting costings for review. Assisting in the review process and presenting information for senior management discussions/ approval. Raising approved PO requests and linking and processing invoices to accounts. Various tasks and responsibilities to support facilities administration Actively undertake coordination of procurement projects.Collating and compiling reports.Review of supplier delivery dates and logging and updating delivery dates on the systemProduct Maintenance and Master Price List AdministrationCo-ordination of Maintenance ContractsIdentifying potential suppliers and new products.Collate and analyse supplier quotations.Contacting a range of suppliers and sub-contractors to obtain quotations.Agreeing delivery times.Keeping detailed records and maintaining well-organised work schedulesAssessing the reliability of sub-contractors and suppliersDealing effectively with challenges with suppliers and the flow of materials.Ensuring compliance with the safety, health and environment requirements of materials and services.Liaising closely with relevant team members at the tendering stage to ensure that accurate project costs are provided.Assist with the management of our supply chain, monitor and analyse supplier performance.Identifying and developing new suppliers.Liaising with management, site teams and suppliers.Preparing and maintaining cost reports to maximise efficiency within the business.Negotiating and agreeing the most favourable terms possible with suppliers once a contract has been secured.Experience and Knowledge Required;A proven track record and experience of at least three years in a related administrative and/or procurement role with demonstrable evidence of successful delivery of results.Excellent IT skills with knowledge of Microsoft Office package including Excel.  Demonstrable excellent administrative skills to ensure your work is organised and efficient.Attention to detail is critical.Experience with the any of the following systems would be an advantage; CBE, Maitre D, Envisage Connections, Tokheim, SagePractical experience within Procurement, ideally degree qualified – preferred but not essential.Ideally experience of working in the Hospitality or Retail Industry.Excellent Negotiation skills.Commercial awareness.Experience of working under pressure and the ability to meet deadlines.Experience in organising tenders.  The ideal candidate will be; Committed, enthusiastic and energetic, have the drive, initiative and focus required in this busy diverse role.A highly-motivated self-starter; in this role, you will operate in a multi-task environment with deadlines and will be able to challenge themselves to exceed standards, striving for best in class. A confident communicator with the ability to communicate effectively in English, in writing and verbally, both in formal and informal communication.Employee Benefits:60% Staff DiscountEmployee Rewards SchemeEmployee Referral SchemeFree On-site staff parkingExcellent Career Progression OpportunitiesBike to Work SchemeFlexible work environment*** At this time we do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies***

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