F & B Assistant Full Time / Part Time

Would you like to join a fun, vibrant team working in the luxury 4* Brehon Hotel & Spa in the beautiful Killarney? We are looking for an experienced Food & Beverage Assistant to join our team. ResponsibilitiesProviding a friendly & professional service in our Danu RestaurantServing our guests to the high standards expectedTo have a clear understanding of the menuTo ensure guests needs and expectations are metTo communicate and co-operate with the kitchen team to assist in the smooth running of serviceTo be knowledgeable about the local area and facilities within the HotelMust be able to prioritise and manage the time accordingly to the workload.Must be able to demonstrate excellent customer service skills.What we are looking for:Someone that is fun, hard-working and reliable with a can-do attitude.Passionate about Customer ServiceAbility to work within a team.Excellent organisation and communication skills.Good level of English required.Must have the legal right to work in Ireland.Must be available to work flexible hoursReasons to apply:A welcoming and supportive team environmentOpportunities for Professional Development & GrowthHot meals provided on dutyEmployee of the month awardsCompany eventsFree Car ParkingFlexible ScheduleWe look forward to hearing from you!

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