Export Import Coordinator

To admin, receive, marshall and despatch orders for onward delivery. Specifically, but not exclusively exports from a third party service providers location in Oswestry. To liaise and proactively engage with:A)     Warehouse service providerB)      Outbound hauliersC)      Independent VETD)     Supply sitesE)      Commercial teamF)      Local ABP Operation team in Ellesmere and ShrewsburyG)     Group LogisticsH)     External Customs Agents Major Duties and Responsibilities 1)   Timely receipt & consolidation of site orders and any load manifests from commercial into provisional plan 2)   Creation / receipt of orders for conversion to master order as required3)   Booking through approved channels carriers for onward delivery. Following through from pre arrival to onsite control, despatch and delivery to customer.4)   Receive physical goods and check in against pre advise and relevant documents.5)   Raise non-conformances. Record on log for period end reporting 6)   Resolve issues for onward transit via all relevant stakeholders within process guidelines. (IE missing paperwork, replacement docs if errors discovered, restacking pallet building etc)7)   Issuing haulier will a full set of process approved documents to ensure successful delivery to all customers.8)    Order health cert, book & facilitate VET on siteHaulier trailer Du-diligence (pre-inspect to ensure compliance through to despatch)Legal paperwork provision (Health Attestation)Generation of GOV Health certs  9)   CHEDPS: Raising these which go with order from nominated agent. Receiving and onward issuing10) Safe & secure loading via 3rd party according to manifest trailers 11) Sealing of trailers with VET approved seal and despatching of loads12) Route checks to ensure any issues after despatch and before delivery are resolved. 13) Produce reports and costings14) Order & control operation required stationary15) Central invoice checks and site allocation16) Period end & HK back up17) Conformity support as required not as primary function18) Support frozen consolidated loads from Coldstore as required   Accountabilities 1)      Manage, develop customer and depot relationships and optimise the appropriate level relationship with 3PL providers.2)      Ensure 100% service levels to customers.3)      Ensure all related processes are documented; maintained and developed to support business needs.4)      Deal with all queries quickly and efficiently5)      Close cooperation with onsite Operations & General management team. External and internal VETS. External hauliers and customs agents both with in UK and overseas.6)      Timely & accurate site period end reporting for site FC via Data collation, report generation, analysis and exception challenging7)       Optimum cost export & transport arrangement; From process commencement through to customer receipt. 8)      Monitor cost to despatch and serve to maximise cost effectiveness of supply processes.9)      Liaise with supply and operations management on factory capacity in transport operations and warehousing.10)  Liaise with commercial teams and operational teams on supply, capacity, promotional volume and VET issues to ensure a cohesive operating plan.11)  Develop and manage innovation in logistics systems and processes.12)  As part of the operations management team be a key driver in the development of the supply chain.13)  Reporting requirements to site senior management and ABP UK Logistics  Experience Required1)      Warehousing; administration. Ideally transport and international trade with a food manufacturer. 2)      Customs experience of import and export best practice/ exposure 3)      Skilled in the use of Excel and able to generate reports and data sheets. Accurate data management4)      Specific function problem solving skills & support from within a team dynamic5)      Practical experience of making declarations and handling all associated tasks with Export/Import.6)      Developed interpersonal, negotiating and persuasive skills.7)      Well developed appreciation of the different components and trade offs required to sustain an efficient supply chain. Ability to work within a fast paced varied environment.2y experience in Chill Chain Distribution operation, 3PL & transport administration in a FMCG environment.Highly developed functional knowledge of Logistics best practice exposure or understanding.Appreciation of accuracy ahead and attention to detail, Tenacity with confidence to contact all relevant stakeholders and hold calls.Proven track record of working within a dynamic cross function team and effectively working with 3pls

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