Experienced Site Manager

Cleantech Civils is currently recruiting for experienced and dedicated Site Manager to join our team in As a Site Manager, you will play a crucial role in overseeing and coordinating construction activities on site, ensuring projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of quality and safety. You will report directly to the Project Manager and work closely with various stakeholders to achieve project goals.Principal Duties and Responsibilities·        Co-ordinating and managing all subcontractors, trades, and labour.·        Ensuring all subcontractors, trades and labour have adequate resources to complete works according to a tight schedule.·        Promote a safety work culture.·        Responsibility and accountable for the safety of the crew under their direction.·        Communication and ensuring compliance with the Company QHSE policies and procedures.·        Facilitate mandatory safety toolbox talk meetings.·        Participation in safety/incident investigations.·        Ensuring that plant and equipment checks are carried out on site.·        Communication of the particular job to and with the crews involved.·        Assigning crew tasks and resolving issues between crew members.·        Maintaining work standards and outlining behavioural expectations to ensure crew morale and productivity.·        Apply the principles of workplace respect on site.·        Liaising with local authorities to ensure all services are implemented on the site.·        Periodically reassessing daily goals to meet forecasted production.·        Overseeing the execution of the work, including quality and production, ensuring that the crewworks to job specifications and follows the plans.·        Inspecting and measuring completed work.·        Maintaining site foreman’s log & site reports.·        Supervising & scheduling material testing and specialist site testing.·        Reporting on work progress.·        Establish and promote best quality practice.. Ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organisation.Selection Criteria / Person Specification:·        Extensive site experience of civils/water/sewer environment.. Diploma in Construction Management.·        Valid Safe Pass and/or CSCS card holder.·        Experienced in working in a fast paced and pressured environment adhering to strict deadlines and budgets.·        Will have excellent organisational skills with the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.·        Experience using Microsoft Program or similar system.·        Good analytical and problem-solving skills. Benefits.    Bike to work Scheme.·    Company Pension·    EAP Program.·    Excellent Annual Holidays.  

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