Experienced General Dentist Waterford

Dental Tech is a multi-award-winning Dental company. We have several clinics in Dublin and South East Ireland, and we also provide dental service to nursing home residents. We manufacture supply and fit dentures across multiple channels and have our own lab. We are the first dental company in Ireland to introduce iOS scanning technology along with 3D printing technology to produce 3D manufactured dentures for patients and using carbon 3D printers. Our manufacturing is the first Dentsply Lucitone digital certified outside of the US and Canada. We are a small company with circa 40+ employees planning 5X growth within the next three to five years through national and international expansion. Job DescriptionWe are looking for an Dentists to work at our well established Private Denture and Dental clinic in Waterford as well as the option to deliver treatments to our nursing home residents.We have a team of just over 40 employees across the clinics so this is a well-supported role and a great place to work. As a general Dentist you will benefit from a great support team and a well-managed appointment book. We are fully digital with both Trios4 and Primescan scanners and we have our own lab with full 3D printing availableExcellent base Salary plus incentive bonus schemePart-time or Full-time, up to 40 hours per week, 5 days per weekExcellent Training and Educational Support packagePaid HolidaysPaid Bank HolidaysEstablished BookExcellent Team and Excellent company culture Our ideal candidate would have:A minimum of 3 years clinical experience in a commercial dental practiceA pleasant manner and a good way with peopleExcellent abilities for patient treatment planning and excellent rebook rateExperience with IOS would be ideal but not essential as training will be givenExperience with Composite Bonding would be ideal but not essential as training provided An interest in removable prosthetics is a plus but not essential as we provide full training on our digital workflowWe are happy to support work permits, however you will need to have IDC registration or have commenced your application for IDC in order to obtain a work permit.

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