Experienced Dog Groomers and Groomers Assistants

Petmania Grooming Studios is currently the largest and most successful grooming business in the country and boasts some of the most talented and committed Groomers available. We run busy energetic grooming studios where you will be expected to not only groom our canine customers to a very high standard, but treat our human customers with the same level of customer service you would like to receive yourself.We are currently recruiting for full and part time Groomers and Groomers Assistants for our Westport Store!The successful candidates will join the experienced grooming team in their local store, and take part in all grooming activities including;Carrying out a range of grooming treatments to include standard and specialist grooms, mobility treatments, aromatherapy treatments, Emmipet Dental treatments and many more!Maintaining the calendar of appointmentsUp selling packagesAdvising clients on the health of their dogs and appropriate food choicesAdvising clients on how to maintain their pets coat between groomsIn return we can offer you;Generous hourly rates of payWeekly cash bonusesCanine First Responder trainingExperience in a structured grooming business using the latest client booking management systemsAdditional upskilling is available in our grooming academy for the right candidateOpportunity to achieve the iPetnetwork Level 3 Diploma in Grooming and Salon ManagementIf you would like to join this team, you must hold a QQI level 5 or City and Guilds in Grooming and have at least 1 year’s practical experience in a grooming role.

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