Experienced Dental Technician Dublin

Dentaltech is a multi - award-winning company with both our own clinics and laboratory specialising in 3D printed dentures. In our laboratory we produce removable dentures and orthodontic appliances and we also 3D CAD and Print appliances. We are looking to add to our team of technicians and are looking for an experience dental technician who has a background in removable dentures. We have a fabulously engaged team who are focused on quality of their workmanship delivering thousands of cases to our own clinics as well as hundreds of dentists and dental practices around |reland. You would be responsible for producing high quality prosthetic denture work in a fast paced, very pleasant environment, completing denture repairs, setting up try ins, completing dentures, filing and polishing and any other technician duties related to producing multiple units of high quality work. Our ideal candidate has a super attention to detail and can work independently to produce. We are very specific about how our customers like things done so you would need to be adaptable and willing to learn our systems and procedures.  We are looking for someone who is also a team player as we pride ourselves on a stress free, collaborative working environment and our team is very important to us.Does this sound like the job for you? If so please apply by sending your CV and Cover letter outlining why you are most suited to this position

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