Experienced Dental Nurse Waterford

We are looking for Full Time Experienced Dental Nurse to join our team. Dentaltech is a multi award winning company and certified Great Place to Work. We are looking to add an experienced, efficient Dental Nurse to our fantastic team to work full time in our Waterford Clinic, assisting our Clinicians and ensuring efficiency and excellent customer care. Preparing the treatment rooms, sterilisation of instruments, assisting clinicians during treatments, ensuring the clinicians lab work is ready, on occasion closing out the patients at reception, rebooking and taking payments and interacting with our superb patients are among some of the key duties of this role.The role requires a proven track record, experiencing in dental nursing is essential, excellent communication skills, compassion and a positive approach to join our team as well as work to provide excellent patient care for all of our patients.This is a super opportunity for the person with the right attitude who wants to work as part of a winning team and have a real sense of purpose - We Improve People's Quality of Life so they can Eat, Talk and Smile with confidence.The ideal candidate will require excellent attention to detail for clinical notes and must have a loving and caring nature to work with our patients.Good typing skills an advantage as clinical notes are taken through software.Excellent communication skills and positive working approach a mustFull clean driving license required (Company Car can be provided)Salary Negotiable, depending on experience.Benefits of working with us:Attractive terms and salaryFinancially supported trainingDevelopment and Progression OpportunitiesClinical support & guidanceModern surgeries and State of the art digital equipmentUniform providedAmazing Team Culture (award winning as nominated by our own team)If this looks like the job for you then please send your Cv and cover letter explaining why you would be the best person for the job

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